Bathyswath-3 has a completely new design and electronics platform giving improved performance in a fully integrated system.
Small, compact and innovative, the Bathyswath-3 goes beyond the performance of the Bathyswath-2 with these new features:
▪ Wideband (chirp) sonar technology
▪ 3 sonar frequencies simultaneously, in bathymetry and sidescan
▪ Fully integrated bathymetric system (sonar, INS/MRU, GNSS, Sound Velocity Sensor, Single-board computer)
Different configurations for different uses
- B3A : Bathyswath-3 ALPHA Subsea Unit (Fully integrated solution)
- B3S : Bathyswath-3 SIGMA (sonar only solution)
- B3OEM : Bathyswath-3 OEM (sonar only solution in OEM configuration)